• FAQs

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    • Are eLiners available in high quality so I can print them out?
      Yes. On the lower right of each eLiner is a download icon (see below). Click on it to open/save a hi-res PDF version of the eLiner.
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      About eLiners
    • Do we need permission from The eLiner Factory to distribute the eLiner you make for me?
      Not at all. Your eLiner is yours; you own it outright (we even put a copyright notice on it.) Which means you can distribute it any way you like. Include it with online music store downloads; post it on your website and social spaces; link to it from your press releases — it's totally up to you.
      About eLiners
    • I see you charge for design work; is any kind of design work included in the price?
      The short answer: Absolutely!

      We take care of:

      • Color choices
      • Typography/fonts
      • Layout
      • Editing
      • Cropping
      • Resizing

      The long answer: The eLiner Factory uses your own media and text-based files in the creation of your eLiner. When you purchase an eLiner, you fill out a Project Profile that tells us a lot about you, your marketing and your sense of how you want to be perceived in the public eye. You may already have some ideas in mind — and your Project Profile is the place to tell us about it. We then design to everything you've provided and told us.

      Otherwise, if you provide no guidance, we will use your Profile and your lyrics, pictures/videos, artwork, and artist/session information to come up with the design approach for your eLiner.

      Either way, it’s a collaborative, back and forth process that includes draft versions for you to review and provide feedback, so there will be no surprises…only delight. And, as we say above, all that is included in our service.
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      Sometimes, our customers require an extra level of help, such as assistance to design, modify or format the media or documents that are used to create their eLiner (the FAQ Where do you get the pictures and text that appear in my eLiner? provides some detail on file type and size requirements). If that process looks like it will become more involved or time consuming than our standard level of service, we’ll let you know, because we’ll need to charge you for it. The good news is we have a talented team of creative graphic, video and marketing professionals who can take care of pretty much everything you need. We'd just provide you with an estimate of what needs to be done, and you can tell us to go ahead, or not. Just so you know, our design/production fee is $150/hour.
    • Why is the price of a Basic, Plus or Single eLiner less than the price of one that I build as a Custom eLiner with the exact same features?
      It's a discount, designed to entice you to buy them. What more can we say?
    • No matter how many options I remove from an eLiner Custom, there always seems to be a set cost. What's with that?
      That’s what we call our ‘base cost’. Even though we love making eLiners, we have to pay our designers, the rent and the electricity. Plus, we have some administrative costs in setting up each new client. By ensuring we make a minimum amount for each eLiner, we get to stay in business while helping you with yours. Win-win!
    • Can you bill us?
    • I saw something about a wizard to help me decide which eLiner is best for me, but now I can't find it. What happened?
      The Wizard pop up appears on the 'Choices' page under 'About eLiners' and on the 'Order yours now' page. But if you clicked the red box to make the popup go away, you won't see it for another 15 minutes (the Wizard doesn't like to be a pain in the wand.)
    • Where do you get the pictures and text that appear in my eLiner?
      The eLiner Factory uses your own media and text-based files in the creation of your eLiner. You place these in the collaborative Box.com workspace we set up for you when you place your order. Each of the elements you provide needs to meet certain minimum file type and image resolution requirements so that your eLiner looks great both on screen and when printed out.

      Here are the file formats/applications we support (if you’re not sure which elements you have, or whether they meet the requirements, ask us!):
      File Type
      Adobe Illustrator (.ai), Photoshop (.psd)
      Microsoft Office Excel (.xls, .xlsx); Word (.doc, .docx)
      Text .txt
      Image bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff
      Audio .aif, .mp3, .wav
      Video .mp4
      Technical Stuff
    • What is the difference between Web-linked and Embedded audio and video?
      Audio and video can be included as part of the design of an eLiner to play in the background, in a portion of the eLiner layout, or in a floating window. There's no need to open an audio app to hear or see them. It's one of the cool features of an eLiner.

      When audio/video is
      embedded in an eLiner, it can be played without a user's device being connected to the internet. When audio/video is web-linked, the audio or video content can't play without that connection.

      "So," you may wonder, "Why not just embed
      everything?" Good question.

      Embedding audio/video increases the file size of an eLiner by the file size of however many audio or video files you embed. And since all eLiners are automatically 'cached' on the user's device (meaning downloaded and stored for immediate access), embedding audio/video will take up a larger amount of a device's storage space, though they can always clear their device's cache, which will remove the entire eLiner.

      Linking to audio/video stored on the web adds no bulk to your eLiner; that's something your mobile device users may really appreciate, as it leaves that much more storage space for their own music, photos and videos. But if their internet connection is not good, or non-existent, then they won't get the full eLiner listening/viewing experience.

      (As a point of interest, the non-audio/video file size of an eLiner — the text, images and interactive pop-ups — is much smaller in comparison.)

      Not sure which way to go when you place your order? Talk with us about it and, together, we'll figure out the best approach for your eLiner.

      Ordering,Technical Stuff
    • The eLiner I ordered includes 'freebies.' Where are they?
      Click the 'Freebies' icon at the bottom left of the browser (see below). That will download a zip file containing your freebie(s).
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      About eLiners
    • How long will it take to get my eLiner?
      It's the old 'Well, it depends." But it really does, on these things:

      • When you complete your profile (we read it within 2 business days once received)
      • How soon you sign up for Box.com (we set it up within 1 business day of receiving your order, and you are notified it is ready at that time. But in order to use it, you must sign up at Box.com. There is no charge.)
      • How many songs and options you've selected for your eLiner
      • When you have uploaded your graphics, links, multimedia, photos and text to our shared workspace
      • How quickly you respond to any questions we have prior to starting your eLiner, and throughout the design and production process (we will always respond to you within 1 business day)
      • How soon you get back to us with your comments, questions and instructions regarding the draft version(s) of your eLiner

      We will always do our part to keep things that are under our control moving as quickly as possible.
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