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Create buzz for your music, and nirvana for your fans

People who love music are into everything about it:
The artist. The words. The instruments. The musicians. The production. The inspiration.

eLiner™ digital liner notes make all of that — plus sound, video, web links and more — available to fans, deejays and the press while creating a buzz-worthy sense of excitement and delight around your latest or legacy music.

Liner notes — whether on album jackets, cassette fold-outs or CD booklets — used to be an important and artistic connection between the people who create music and the people who listen to it. But thanks to digital music downloads and streaming music services, really informative and entertaining liner notes have all but disappeared.

Instead, passionate and curious music lovers have been left to a jumble of time-consuming and scavenger hunt-like web searches, just to piece together the creative narrative that albums, tapes and discs once so easily placed right in their hands.

eLiner digital liner notes are the modern new editorial home for the who, what, when, where and why of your music. But they also provide exciting new capabilities for greater fan and industry engagement: Pop-up background stories. Treasure hunts. Crossword puzzles. Downloadable merch like posters, ringtones, coupons and alternate tracks. Basically, if you can imagine it, eLiners can do it.

We think there’s still a place for liner notes in the digital age: on phones, on tablets, on computers, in your hands. That’s why we created eLiners.

Welcome to The Factory.

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What's an eLiner? Watch this video to find out.

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